

The wine conversation is all about conversations around wine, be it great wine lives, recommendations or travel.

Every month we will be recording ‘magazine-style’ podcasts, but we will also be having in-depth looks at certain subjects and releasing these as separate episodes.

Find the conversations that interest you the most – search by category, or indeed any term / name of interest. Some of our articles contain audio files of our conversations.

Let's Talk With Sarah Kemp Let's Talk With Sarah Kemp

▻ Hélène Seillan

In our series “The Next Generation” Elin McCoy talks to Hélène Seillan of Vérité in Sonoma about how she left France speaking no English and ended up as Assistant Winemaker to her father Pierre at Vérité.

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Let's Talk With Sarah Kemp Let's Talk With Sarah Kemp

▻ Jesse and Andy Katz

World-renowned photographer Andy Katz took his son Jesse everywhere with him as a child and ignited his passion to become a winemaker. Today he is one of America’s hottest young winemakers and father and son own cult winery Aperture Cellars in Sonoma.

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