

The wine conversation is all about conversations around wine, be it great wine lives, recommendations or travel.

Every month we will be recording ‘magazine-style’ podcasts, but we will also be having in-depth looks at certain subjects and releasing these as separate episodes.

Find the conversations that interest you the most – search by category, or indeed any term / name of interest. Some of our articles contain audio files of our conversations.

Omnibus Edition Sarah Kemp Omnibus Edition Sarah Kemp

▻ Omnibus V

Does having bees in your vineyard result in better wine? Elin McCoy finds out. Award-winning sommelier Terry Kandylis recommends the best Greek wines while John Stimpfig looks into robotic sommeliers, and Alder Yarrow lets rip on why wine aerators are the scourge of the earth, plus all the latest wine news.

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Omnibus Edition Sarah Kemp Omnibus Edition Sarah Kemp

▻ Omnibus IV

In Omnibus Four Australia’s top wine writer Huon Hooke talks about which region and producers are exciting him, Elin McCoy takes a hard look at sustainability, marketing hype or wine’s future? Plus news from John Stimpfig and much more.

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